“Existence…?” Yuman Ng’s Solo Exhibition

藝術家吳宇旻Yuman Ng,剛完成在英國由 The Net主理的Interwoven聯合展覽,回港後將於9月23日至10月10日在Wonderwall Gallery舉辦首個個人展覽,延續2009年入圍香港藝術雙年展的作品主題「Existence…?」,亦是他一直以來的創作命題。
吳宇旻 Yuman Ng “Existence…?” Solo Exhibition
展期:2023.09.23 ~ 10.10
時間:2pm – 8pm
場地:Wonderwall Gallery
主辦單位:Wonderwall Gallery
Yuman Ng’s Solo Exhibition
After the successful group exhibition “Interwoven” organized by The Net at UK, artist Yuman Ng will be showcasing new paintings at his first solo exhibition, which will be held from 23 Sep to 10 Oct, at Wonderwall Gallery. The concept of his works is a continuation of the theme of his previous exhibition “Existence…?”, which was shortlisted for the Hong Kong Art Biennial Exhibition in 2009.
Yuman’s paintings explore the world of contradiction by combining abstract visuals, loud colours with words. Behind the seemingly positive and beautiful words, there lies a deeper meaning that reflects the artist’s contemplation on the fundamental essence of existence. He believes that this contradiction is “not only evidence of existence but also a form of truth.”
Yuman Ng’s Solo Exhibition “Existence…?”
Date: 2023.09.23 ~ 10.10
Time: 2pm – 8pm
Venue: Wonderwall Gallery
Address: 10/F, Oriental Daily News Building, 6 Kwei Chow Street, To Kwa Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Admission: Free (By appointment only)
Enquiry: info@wonderwall.today
Organizer: Wonderwall Gallery